About me
I love to knit, crochet, read, write, and watch movies. I have six kids ages 12-20. I have 2 dachshund dogs, so we enjoy making wiener jokes about them. 3 cats. They are sweet and surly. 1 frog. About a hundred red cherry shrimp. 3 aquatic snails (nerites). We have a bit of a menagerie. Enjoy feeding outdoor critters with bird feeders and critter food that we scatter on the ground. Absolutely delighted by the humming birds that stop at our hummingbird feeder. Enjoy hiking and camping with kid #5, playing Battlefront on the xbox with kid #6. Kid #2 is expecting a baby in August so I'm about to be a grandma. Weird. We enjoy playing games at home: Uno, Settlers of Catan, Yahtzee, Trouble, Sorry, Apples to Apples, Cards Against Humanity. I LOVE Dr. Pepper. But usually can only mostly afford store brands, but they always make me laugh with their names so I don't mind. I like coffee. A LOT. I prefer it to be good coffee. But one time, I had coffee that was so bad it delighted me. Like it was so unimaginably terrible, I had to laugh because wowie, it was like it had sat in the same pot for 24 hours and it was burnt and bitter and so disgusting I loved it. It came from a truck stop in KC-MO. It is the 2nd most memorable cup of coffee I ever had in my life though I've blocked out the actual tasted of it, I think. The only one more memorable is when my biology teacher in high school introduced me to LATTES! OMG, like, you know when those anime people get stars in their eyes and they get all shimmery? That was me. I didn't even KNOW you could put MILK in coffee. My parents always drank it BLACK and WITHOUT SUGAR. It was my first latte. And a true love affair with dirty bean water began.